Solo International Travel with Kids: Survival Guide|2023年独自带孩子回国,行李清单和攻略

How to survive International travel to China with kids


1. Preparation|行前准备

1) Pick the flight that departs at night – around the kid’s bedtime!|回国机票:带孩子首选夜晚航班



机票在官网预定就好,我一有空就刷刷Google Flights,并把考虑的航班保存到手机主页、绑定邮箱推送,一有降价就抓紧买票。

2) Check the luggage policy|托运行李额




Tips: When traveling internationally with kids, you may have the opportunity to bring more checked luggage and carry-on bags. Personally, I was able to bring three large suitcases, two carry-on bags, and a foldable stroller for free as part of my baggage allowance. It’s important to check with the airline beforehand to confirm their specific policies.

Additionally, if your international and domestic flights are operated by the same airline, you may be able to have all of your checked luggage delivered to your final destination. This can make your travel experience more convenient and stress-free. Be sure to double-check with the airline to take advantage of this option.

3) Cell phone and SIM cards|手机卡


如果你有苹果手机,建议转eSim,就腾出一个卡槽了,回国了国内手机卡插里面就可以双卡双待。做法:设置setting>cellular>convert to eSIM.

Tip: If you’re planning to use a different SIM card while travelling to another country, it might be more convenient to convert your current iPhone SIM card to an eSim. This way, you won’t need to carry two phones with you.

4) Payment methods in China|付款方式

目前中国主要还是用微信支付或者支付宝APP,所以离开美国前建议:1. 美元换成人民币;或:2. 美国信用卡绑定支付宝APP。根据信用卡公司的规定会有不同的手续费,即 Foreign Transaction Fees。我用的是Discover It的信用卡,免国际手续费用。

Tip: I have acquired Chinese Yuan and linked my credit card to commonly used cash payment apps in China. It is important to ensure that there are no foreign transaction fees.

2. Packing List|回国行李清单


Because I was traveling with my 1-year-old all by myself, I put all the essentials in my carry-on bags. Thankfully I was over-prepared!!

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1) Carry-on|随身行李

A. Fanny Pack|随身腰包


Having a fanny pack really helped me when I traveled alone with kids.

我在亚马逊买的腰包,英文是Fanny Pack

Tips: Having a fanny pack really helped me when I traveled alone with kids. I put documents that needed frequent “inspection” in it for easy access, e.g. the flight tickets. I was able to run to the bathroom with it while a flight attendant watched my sleeping child briefly. It felt like a part of me on the trip and made things a lot easier. Just make sure to get a high-quality one and be cautious of potential thieves. Check out this link to find one on Amazon. 

B. Diaper Bag|尿布包/妈咪包


What I packed in the diaper bag
What I packed in the diaper bag
Paci holder, hand sanitizer, sound machine, and trash bag all hanging outside for easy access (and to save room)
Paci holder, hand sanitizer, sound machine, and trash bag all hanging outside for easy access (and to save room)

其中有几样重点一定要带上 (Make sure to bring):

  • 安抚奶嘴 Pacifer and Paci clips


绑带我用的是这款:Pacifier Clips(点击即可购买)
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Tips: When flying with kids, I highly recommend bringing pacifier clips as they are essential for not having to constantly search for the pacifier. Additionally, it’s a good idea to pack a blanket to block out any light and allow your child to sleep undisturbed. Click this link to find my favorite pacifier clips that are reasonably priced.

  • 孩子爱吃的零食、家长吃的干粮 (Snacks)


My child likes the CereBelly bars, teething crackers, and yogurt bites. 
Having a variety of food helped
My child likes the CereBelly bars, teething crackers, and yogurt bites.
Having a variety of food helped



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Tips: Snacks are so important! My child did not like the food provided by the airline and only ate a small amount of fruit. I washed and cut some apples and berries and brought them on the plane. Just make sure to finish them before going through Customs. 

We don’t eat a lot of snacks at home. But I packed a variety of options to keep my child distracted on the plane. Along with talking (quietly), snacking helped keep their mouth occupied. My children enjoy these Cerebelly bars (link). I like them because of their natural ingredients and lack of added sugar. 

As a breastfeeding mom, I also made sure to bring snacks for myself. The food options on a nighttime plane ride are limited, and nursing moms tend to get hungry quickly.

I always crave salty food when I travel
I always crave salty food when I travel


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Tips: Essential! I had to nurse my child a few times while on the plane. Fortunately, my nursing cover proved to be very useful in protecting my privacy and keeping me warm. I highly recommend this one (link)  as it doubles as a scarf, saving valuable space.

  • 贴纸、便携玩具 (Stickers and portable toys)


Children can be distracted for so long with stickers. They are also good for practicing language and fine motor skills. Best of all they are so portable!
Children can be distracted for so long with stickers. They are also good for practicing language and fine motor skills. Best of all they are so portable!
  • 旧袜子 (Old socks)


No stinky feet! I found wearing socks on the plane so comfortable. It eliminates the worry of looking for slippers. Plus, I always take my shoes off after using the bathroom for sanitation reasons.

  • 苹果手机换SIM卡针 (SIM card removal needle)


I forgot to bring mine one time when I was traveling abroad, and I was not able to put my new SIM card in my phone as soon as I arrived at my destination. Now I learned my lesson!

  • 消毒湿巾和便携喷雾 (Sanitizing wipes and Lysol spray)


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These portable ones are so convenient. I always wipe down the seat handles, seat belt, touch screen, and tray. For larger areas, I use a spray. These are the ones I bought: Alcohol free wipes and wipes with Alcohol. Lysol Spray travel size (click the link you will see the products). 

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Items I packed in the diaper bag

C. Foldable stroller and baby carrier|儿童背带和折叠手推车




如果你的推车偏大、需要在登机口托运,也不要紧,到达目的地稍微等等就会送到登机口。当然最方便的还是可折叠手推车,尤其是回国时候赶着排队过海关。我的是gb Pockit

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My kid was able to push her own stroller because it is so light.
My kid was able to push her own stroller because it is so light.
I had to carry so much luggage all by myself! Thankfully I was able to check most of them and did not have to get them until my final stop. The stroller is decently small after folded (I did not fold it all the way in this picture. It can be even smaller after bending those wheels)
I had to carry so much luggage all by myself! Thankfully I was able to check most of them and did not have to get them until my final stop. The stroller is decently small after folded (I did not fold it all the way in this picture. It can be even smaller after bending those wheels)


Tips: Many individuals have asked whether they should bring a stroller or a baby carrier when traveling with small children. I brought both and it proved to be a wise decision! During security, I wore my child in the carrier, which allowed me to avoid removing her from it. I also pushed my child in the stroller to give my shoulders a break. 

My gb Pockit stroller (link) met the airline’s carry-on requirements, which was incredibly helpful. I was able to place my heavy carry-on bags in the stroller and carry my child in the carrier during boarding. 

Therefore, if your child is not too heavy and you can still carry them, it is advisable to bring both a stroller and a baby carrier when traveling alone.

2) Items in the suitcase|行李箱打包清单

A. Travel size daily products|宝宝的日用品


一人带娃回国打包清单 宝宝药品travel with kids
I had to quarantine in a hotel with my child so I packed a lot. You don’t have to bring all of them.
Make sure to bring basic medicine, especially for the kids. Tylenol, meds for stomach discomfort and bug bites are essential.
Make sure to bring basic medicine, especially for the kids. Tylenol, meds for stomach discomfort and bug bites are essential.

B. Food for jet-lag|大人吃的


一人带娃回国打包清单吃的travel with kids scaled
Hopefully, you have access to food when you arrive! We had to quarantine so I had to bring extra food

3. Other tips|其他旅途中的小贴士

  • 独自带娃旅行,孩子安全第一 Keep your eye on your child at ALL times


It’s important to always stay alert and cautious, even when you have a lot of baggage and are waiting for your connecting flight. Make sure you have enough time between flights. I made sure to keep my child in either a baby carrier or stroller for added safety.

  • 母乳喂养的妈妈建议提前找好飞机场的母婴室 Locate lactation rooms/pods at the airport ahead of time


Breastfeeding mothers or those who need to pump can benefit greatly from nursing rooms. These rooms are typically private and may even have a comfortable resting area. To locate nursing rooms at a particular airport, simply search for “nursing rooms at X airport”.

nursing room
  • 父母授权同意书 Minor Travel Consent Form 


If one parent is not traveling with their child, the other parent may need to provide a minor travel consent form. Although I had my husband sign and date the document, I was not asked to show it during Customs. However, it is still recommended to write one as a precaution.

4. Final thoughts|结语

Thank you for reading my post! Hope you have a safe travel and enjoy your trip! Feel free to leave me a comment if you have any questions.


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