Free Early Intervention Therapy Services for Children Age 0-3|0-3岁儿童不要错过的免费言语治疗机会

Free Early Intervention Therapy Services for Children 0-3 | 0-3岁儿童不要错过的免费言语治疗机会

In my article “My Child Needs Speech Therapy?! 4 important things to know“, I discussed the basics of speech therapy, including how to identify signs that your child may need treatment and what steps to take if they do.

Besides these points, one common concern families have is the cost of speech therapy. Unfortunately, there can be a long wait time for therapy services due to high demand. Furthermore, if rehabilitation therapy is not covered by health insurance, the cost can be quite high.

If you live in the United States and have a child who requires speech therapy and is under the age of three, you should consider looking into the Early Intervention program. This program provides excellent speech therapy services for infants and toddlers, and in most states it is free or offered at a reduced cost based on the family’s income.

Chinese Version 中文版本:

什么?我的孩子需要言语治疗? 这篇文章中,我分享了言语治疗的基本内容、如何自查儿童语言沟通的发育里程碑、当发现孩子需要治疗的时候应该怎么做这几个要点。接下来,更多家长更关心的是在哪里接受言语治疗,以及治疗费用。


1. What is Early Intervention|美国早期干预项目

This excellent speech therapy opportunity pertains to the Early Intervention program (EI). Children have the option of receiving speech therapy either at home or at their school/daycare. The EI program offers not only speech therapy but also physical therapy, occupational therapy, behavioral therapy, and any other services a child may require. All early intervention specialists are licensed professionals who are well-trained and typically have at least 2 years of work experience. The EI services are exclusively for children aged 0 to 3 and are available in every state and territory in America.

To find contact information for EI services in various states, families can simply click on the links provided on the CDC website. It’s important to note that some states may have a different name for their EI program.

EI services are available in every state and territory in America
EI services are available in every state and territory in America

Chinese Version 中文版本:



2. Why Recommending the EI Program?|早期干预项目的优势

There are four reasons why I recommend families explore the Early Intervention services:


1) Early action = Better Outcome|越早治疗,预后越好

One of the main benefits of early action is achieving better outcomes. During the first three years of life, a child’s brain develops rapidly, resulting in daily acquisition of new skills. However, some children may face developmental delays and encounter new challenges. Early intervention specialists are available to provide assistance to children in need, helping them with critical areas such as gross motor skills, fine motor skills, and communication skills.

For instance, let’s consider early intervention speech therapy. Crying is a natural mode of communication for infants to convey their needs. However, if a child is unable to express themselves through means other than crying, they may resort to undesirable habits, such as throwing tantrums, crying excessively or screaming. Seeking guidance from trained professionals can assist children in overcoming these challenges, avoiding the development of negative habits that result from physical limitations.

Chinese Version 中文版本:


2) Natural environment|在自然环境中学习

In my article “My Child Needs Speech Therapy?! 4 important things to know“, I highlighted that children tend to learn best in their natural environment. They can practice new skills during everyday activities such as playing with toys, eating, brushing teeth, and interacting with family and friends. Early Intervention (EI) specialists typically design treatment plans based on the child’s needs and daily routine.

For example, if a 2-year-old is a picky eater who is not gaining weight and requires feeding therapy, a speech-language pathologist (SLP) may visit the child during mealtime for treatment. Children usually learn a skill faster with better carryover throughout different settings.

SLPs can work on feeding issues during a child's mealtime
SLPs can work on feeding issues during a child’s mealtime

Chinese Version 中文版本:

在我的什么?我的孩子需要言语治疗? 这篇文章中,我反复提到在自然环境中进行康复治疗的重要性。俗话说:“小孩子一天变一个样”,处在发育期的儿童每天都会学到新的技能,而大部分技能是在生活中反复重复练习后掌握的。早期干预计划的治疗师们一般会通过孩子每天的日常习惯来计划治疗方案。例如,2岁的孩子出现严重挑食等问题,出现体重下降和营养不良。治疗师能够在孩子用餐时间来到儿童家中,观察孩子的饮食问题,并进行介入治疗。结合正确的治疗方法,在日常活动中反复练习,孩子掌握得更快更好。

3) Convenient for Parents|方便家长

Caregivers do not have to bring their children to a clinic or a rehabilitation center for therapy. The therapists will come to you. EI programs guarantee that lack of transportation won’t prevent eligible children from receiving necessary services.

SLPs can work on language skills using children's favoriate books at home
SLPs can work on language skills using children’s favoriate books at home

Chinese Version 中文版本:


4) Low or No Cost|费用优势

In most states, families can receive EI services at no cost. Some states may charge a reduced rate based on the family’s income or the child’s health insurance coverage.


3. How To Apply|如何申请

For specific requirements, it is recommended to research the regulations in your state. Here are the general rules:


1) You Do Not Have To Be a U.S. Citizen|不需要是美国公民

Anyone with a legal residence in America can apply for Early Intervention (EI) services. The child does not need to be a U.S. citizen.


2) Family Contact EI Directly|家长直接联系当地早期干预项目

A medical referral is not required. So contact EI right away when you suspect your child needs therapy! 

Even if you are unsure, rest assured that the child will only be eligible for services after a service coordinator evaluates them and determines that further testing is necessary. The service coordinator will then schedule other professionals, such as a speech pathologist, to provide a specific evaluation for the child’s needs.

Chinese Version 中文版本:


3) Pediatrician Referral|由儿科医生转诊

In some cases, a pediatrician may refer a child under three years of age to EI. However, this process may take longer than if a parent contacts EI programs directly.

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4. Advice From a Experienced SLP|专业人员的小贴士

Throughout my career, I have encountered numerous families who missed the opportunity to start therapy for their children before they turned three years old. To prevent this from happening, I have three tips for families before they schedule an appointment, which I refer to as the “APP” acronym:

Act Early: Don’t wait to seek help if you suspect your child has a speech or language delay. The earlier intervention starts, the better the outcome. 

Prepare Ahead: Before your appointment, gather any relevant information about your child’s development, medical history, and current concerns. This will help the therapist assess your child’s needs more accurately.

Participate: Be an active participant in your child’s therapy. Attend sessions, ask questions, and practice what you learn at home to support your child’s progress.

Chinese Version 中文版本:


1) Act Early|立刻采取行动,越早申请越好

As previously mentioned, there may be a lengthy wait for a child to receive treatment. Some parents have reported that their children didn’t start EI services until they were almost 3 years old. To avoid this, it’s important to act promptly if you notice signs that your child needs intervention. The EI specialists will assess eligibility, and it’s important to check the cost before treatment begins.

Chinese Version 中文版本:



2) Prepare Ahead|来访前家长提前准备

It’s a good idea for parents to jot down their questions and concerns prior to the evaluation, especially if they speak a language other than English. It’s also helpful to plan ahead when deciding where their child will receive therapy, in order to expedite the scheduling process.

Personally, I recommend providing speech therapy services in the child’s home, if feasible, for two reasons: 1. Children tend to retain skills better in their natural environment, and 2. Parents can learn speech therapy techniques directly from the therapist during sessions and use those techniques in everyday interactions with their child.

Chinese Version 中文版本:




3) Participate|参与制定治疗计划

It’s important to note that parents know their children best and spend the most time with them. That’s why working together with experienced speech-language pathologists (SLPs) is crucial for the best outcomes. I encourage parents to actively participate in treatment planning and each session. During evaluations, raise concerns and share the most urgent challenges you want to address. 

SLPs can teach parents how to address a child's speech needs during play
SLPs can teach parents how to address a child’s speech needs during play

Chinese Version 中文版本:



5. Final Thoughts|结语

I hope this article sheds some light on the valuable Early Intervention (EI) services. If you think your friends could benefit from the EI program, would you mind sharing this article with them? I believe that with the help of professionals early on, each child will acquire the skills they need to reach their full potential. How is your EI experience? Leave me a comment to let me know!


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