My Story | 我的故事

Hello, thanks for stopping by! 

picture of Joanna
Joanna Gao, MA, CCC-SLP

I’d love to get to know you! Are you a parent? a SLP? Are you searching for therapy resources for Mandarin-speaking children? Trying to figure out how to raise your kids bilingual? You’ll feel right at home here!

Born and raised in China, I came to America to chase my dream

My name is Joanna, I am an ASHA certified speech pathologist. Like most people back home, I had no idea what speech pathology was. Until the story began in 2009…I started to volunteer at a local orphanage after I became a Christian.

At that time, individuals with disabilities, or, in other words, people who are different, were often shunned away from the public. I have never met any children with special needs until then. In the orphanage, I met some adorable children with cleft palate, some who were deaf or blind, and others with autism and various developmental disabilities.

Lots of these kids had a speech impairment. People could not understand them, so they labeled them as “intellectually disabled”. I did not know what to do except to guess what they were saying. In my heart, I was praying. 

After a long story and lots of prayers, I decided to pursue a career as a speech pathologist to become these children’s voice. God affirmed my vision by accepting me into one of the top SLP programs in the U.S.



我是言语治疗师Joanna, 一位在美国工作的认证语言病理学家(CCC-SLP)。我自2009年开始接触有特殊需求(special needs)的儿童,2013年起正式为他们和其家人(若有)工作。





My Vision

Years of orphan care led me to special education, and eventually speech pathology. My dream was to establish a foundation to help children with special needs in China, but I realized that it would take a long time to achieve. 

After graduation, I became the only certified Mandarin-speaking pediatric speech pathologist in the region. I had the privilege of treating all the Chinese-speaking families referred to our hospital. Through my work, I discovered my passion for empowering parents and helping them bond with their children. Working with children and their families has been a fulfilling experience for me.

Then, I became a mother. We encountered some challenges at the beginning of my child’s care. God used this special experience to grow me into a better mother and therapist. I started sharing my knowledge online, and I was inundated with questions. So many parents were trying to know what to do with their children’s “differences”. Our hearts were connected through the Internet

Due to high demand, I have had the chance to share my expertise with various audiences. I have spoken at conferences held by hospitals and universities, co-authored two books, and developed a parent-training course. My initial vision of “bringing SLP to China” has evolved into a more focused plan to empower parents and provide the best methods for Mandarin-speaking children. To achieve this, I need a platform where people can connect and access all the information they need. So, this website was born!







Specialized training

I have over 10 years of experience with children with special needs. These are some of the special trainings I have achieved: 

My learning never stopped. I am S.O.S. feeding therapy trained, certified to provide LSVT LOUD voice therapy and many other evidence-based treatment strategies in the field. I received the Award for Continuing Education (ACE) by ASHA for my devotion to life-long learning.




  • 美国儿童神经发育障碍领袖项目成员(LEND)。我的海报演讲在AUCD会议上激发积极讨论,我在同年也成为“领导潜力奖学金(Emerging Leader Scholarship)“获得者。
  • 美国言语语言与听力协会“少数裔杰出学生领袖荣誉 (MSLP)”
  • 美国言语语言与听力协会“杰出青年治疗师荣誉证书 (ECP)”
  • 美国言语语言与听力协会“专业进修奖 (ACE)”


What People Say About My Services

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My vision and experience brought me this far. I would love to connect with you and support you every step of the way.

  • I provide personalized 1-on-1 parent-training sessions over the Internet. I advise parents during pre-planned activities to address each child’s needs in the child’s natural environment. Currently there is a waitlist for my direct service. Email me below to join the waitlist.  
  • Contact me for business inquiries and other collaborations.  
  • Subscribe to my site to receive updates and freebies.



  • 我提供知乎付费咨询,可以回答大家的简单问题;
  • 针对有语言沟通、发音障碍的儿童,我提供线上一对一家长培训。通过提前与家长沟通,我根据家中现有环境指导家长、根据孩子进度来计划最符合孩子沟通发展的康复方案,通过平均16次课程帮助孩子得到质的飞跃;(目前我的家长培训1对1课程已满,如果感兴趣,请点击下方按钮给我发邮件加入“等待名单“)
  • 任何商业咨询、工作合作请在此链接联系我;
  • 订阅本站,可获得最新资讯更新和免费资源。链接在本站最下方。




Together, we will help our children grow!


All content is for informational purposes only. This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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