My Child Needs Speech Therapy?! 4 important things to know|什么?我的孩子需要言语治疗?

What to do when my child needs speech therapy 孩子需要言语治疗

Ever since I began sharing articles about speech therapy, I have received many inquiries from parents about their children’s communication issues:

“My child is five and we can’t understand her. What should I do?”

“My child was diagnosed with a speech delay. The doctor suspects him of having autism. What should I do next?”

“My three-year-old can’t differentiate ‘I, you, he, she, it” in English. How can I teach her?”

Families should be informed about the basics of speech therapy to ensure they are aware of this valuable resource. Additionally, informing parents about developmental milestones, especially the unique milestones for multilingual children, empowers them to recognize warning signs and take action.

In the conclusion of this article, I provided ways to locate Mandarin-speaking speech pathologists. I also explored the significance of seeking out a bilingual speech therapist in certain circumstances.

Chinese Version 中文版本:






1. What is Speech Therapy|言语治疗是什么

Are you familiar with the term “speech therapy”? A few of my friends asked me this question: “My pediatrician told me my child needs speech therapy. What does that mean?” “Speech pathology” is not a well-known term to many parents. It seems like it is a service for people who can not talk. Yet, speech pathology is more than that.

In America, speech therapy is provided by speech pathologists (SLPs), as stated by the American Speech-Language and Hearing Association (ASHA). These professionals work in various settings to address a range of communication and swallowing disorders. To learn more about the role of speech-language pathologists, please refer to the following quotes from ASHA:

Speech-language pathologists, also called SLPs, are experts in communication. SLPs work with people of all ages, from babies to adults. SLPs treat many types of communication and swallowing problems.

– ASHA “Who Are Speech-Language Pathologists”

Speech therapy targets a variety of communication and/or swallowing issues, including:

These include problems with:

Speech sounds—how we say sounds and put sounds together into words. Other words for these problems are articulation or phonological disorders, apraxia of speech, or dysarthria.

Language—how well we understand what we hear or read and how we use words to tell others what we are thinking. In adults this problem may be called aphasia.

Literacy—how well we read and write. People with speech and language disorders may also have trouble reading, spelling, and writing.

Social communication—how well we follow rules, like taking turns, how to talk to different people, or how close to stand to someone when talking. This is also called pragmatics.

Voice—how our voices sound. We may sound hoarse, lose our voices easily, talk too loudly or through our noses, or be unable to make sounds.

Fluency—also called stuttering, is how well speech flows. Someone who stutters may repeat sounds, like t-t-t-table, use “um” or “uh,” or pause a lot when talking. Many young children will go through a time when they stutter, but most outgrow it.

Cognitive-communication—how well our minds work. Problems may involve memory, attention, problem solving, organization, and other thinking skills.

Feeding and swallowing—how well we suck, chew, and swallow food and liquid. A swallowing disorder may lead to poor nutrition, weight loss, and other health problems. This is also called dysphagia.

– ASHA “Who Are Speech-Language Pathologists”

Chinese Version 中文版本:

不知道在北美的家长们对于“言语治疗”了解多少?我有几个朋友就问过我——“我家孩子去看了儿科医生,医生要我孩子去speech therapy,这是啥?!我孩子有病吗?“。“Speech therapy”的翻译是“言语治疗”,听起来像是专门给话说不清楚的人的“治疗”。其实,言语治疗并不只有这些。

既然是“科普”,那就要引用可靠的信息。根据美国言语语言听力协会(American Speech-Language-Hearing Association – ASHA)的官方介绍:言语治疗师(speech-language pathologist,简称SLP) 在美国直译为“语言病理学家”,主治与沟通、吞咽障碍有关的各类疾病。治疗对象从婴儿到老人,涵盖到各个年龄层人群。在美国,言语治疗就是由通过认证的语言病理学家(CCC-SLP)提供的。


  • 构音失常:比如吐字不清,音节混淆(对,“大舌头”、l,n不分也可以治疗的);言语失用症
  • 语言迟缓、失语症:比如孩子不说话、说话晚、听不懂指令;成人中风后答非所问
  • 读写困难、阅读障碍
  • 社交语言沟通障碍
  • 嗓音障碍
  • 口吃
  • 认知沟通障碍:指的是由于大脑神经细胞病变或者损伤导致的认知能力、思考能力、表达能力受阻
  • 喂养和吞咽障碍:比如婴幼儿喝奶呛奶;母乳喂养困难;挑食;进食呛咳

2. Where can I receive this service|哪里提供言语治疗

The process of a child starts speech therapy: parents or teachers notice some issues→they inform the pediatrician→pediatrician performs some tests and refers the child to a speech evaluation→speech pathologists (SLPs) provide comprehensive testing and create a treatment plan→speech therapy begins.

It’s worth noting that many schools offer speech therapy services as well. Every year, SLPs perform hearing and speech screenings at school. Based on the results of the screening, a child may be referred for further evaluation if necessary.

For those kids who are already receiving treatment in a hospital, rehabilitation center, or private clinic, they may continue to receive services at school if they still meet the criteria. Public schools typically offer speech therapy services free of charge. However, if children require services outside of school, there may be a fee associated, depending on their health insurance coverage. Some children may receive services both at school and at a rehabilitation facility based on factors such as medical diagnosis and therapy plans.

Chinese Version 中文版本:


Private practices 私人诊所
Physicians’ offices 医院门诊
Hospitals 医院
Schools 学校
Colleges and universities 高等院校(如:大学教授)
Rehabilitation centers, long-term and residential health care facilities 康复中心、养老院

– ASHA “Who Are Speech-Language Pathologists”




3. Does my child need therapy|我的孩子是否需要言语治疗

1) Developmental milestones|用儿童语言发育里程碑自查

Parents often are the first ones to notice their children’s need for speech therapy. However, many parents doubt their judgment or want to “wait it out”, and eventually miss the best treatment period. I encourage parents to be familiar with the developmental milestones, especially the ones for communication. Rise your concerns during pediatric checkups, or contact the doctor immediately if you find your child missing a lot of milestones. 

It is crucial to understand that developmental milestones have an average range and are only intended as a reference. They cannot replace evaluation tools provided by a medical professional.

I have 4 websites that I recommend for developmental milestones, and I ranked them according to my personal preference:

  1. How Does Your Child Hear and Talk? (ASHA)
  2. Developmental Norms for Speech and Language (ASHA)
  3. CDC’s Developmental Milestones (Multiple Languages)
  4. Developmental Milestone for Children 0-6 Years (Mandarin)

The Beijing PKUCare Brain Health has compiled a list of Speech and Language Developmental Milestones for Mandarin-Speaking Children aged 0-18. The lists highlight the unique sounds in Chinese (Pu Tong Hua) compared to English. You can download the lists here, or you could download them below.

As a speech pathologist, I always turn to ASHA as my primary source for developmental milestones related to communication skills. The websites I mentioned not only provide these milestones, but also give suggestions on how to encourage speech and language development.

ASHA speech therapy
Speech-language milestones for 2-3 years olds. Source: ASHA

In addition, the CDC offers a comprehensive handbook that covers developmental milestones not only in communication skills, but also in gross and fine motor skills. This handbook also provides advice to families and is available in multiple languages. Download the handbook in Mandarin.

For Mandarin-speaking children aged 0-6, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China have created a Chinese handbook. This handbook is also available for download.

I created Youtube videos specifically for Chinese-speaking families about developmental milestones. These videos include tips for promoting language development. I invite you to watch the video I posted below:

Chinese Version 中文版本:




  1. How Does Your Child Hear and Talk?
  2. Developmental Norms for Speech and Language
  3. CDC’s Developmental Milestones
  4. “早期儿童养育与发展”合作项目:0~6岁儿童发展的里程碑




CDCs Developmental Milestones 1
Developmental Milestones for 2-year-olds. Source: CDC
CDCs Developmental Milestones 2
Developmental Milestones for 2-year-olds. Source: CDC





2) What’s the next step?|自查有问题,该找谁评估呢?

If your child does miss several developmental milestones, contact your child’s doctor immediately!

If you live in Mainland China, it is recommended to take the child to a local pediatric hospital and seek out “developmental pediatricians”. These professionals can provide a thorough assessment and make referrals to speech therapists as needed.

For families in America, call the pediatrician. Most pediatricians can administer initial tests and refer the child to speech evaluation with a speech pathologist.

I wrote an article about things to prepare for the speech evaluation. Hope it will be helpful before going to one: 6 Tips to Prepare for a Successful Bilingual Speech Evaluation.

Chinese Version 中文版本:


如果家长在美国,则立刻联系孩子的儿科医生,让医生初步评估是否需要言语治疗。如果医生认为孩子的确存在沟通问题,医生就会转诊儿童到言语治疗师那儿进行专业检查,英文是speech evaluation. 

另外,如果孩子在上学,也可以直接联系孩子的老师,让学校的言语治疗师进行初步筛查。英文是speech screening。


4. How to find a bilingual speech pathologist?|怎么找讲中文的治疗师?

1) ASHA ProFind

Many parents asked me about how to find a Chinese-speaking therapist. There are only approximately 300 Mandarin-speaking SLPs in the country, including the ones who only speak Cantonese. Therefore, the possibility of finding one locally is low.

I highly recommend visiting the ASHA ProFind website. All registered SLPs are listed on this website, and families can narrow down their search by selecting their state or entering their home address or zip code. This website offers a variety of language options to accommodate all families.

ASHA ProFind
点击 Find an SLP

Chinese Version 中文版本:


“请问纽约现在有什么机构不用排很久的speech therapy吗?”



我推荐家长直接去美国语言言语听力协会的官方网站搜索当地治疗师资源,即:ASHA ProFind.


ASHA ProFind 1


ASHA ProFind 2
ASHA speech therapy in Mandarin

2) Does my child need a SLP that speaks our language?|是否一定要找讲中文的言语治疗师?

Is it important to find a SLP who speaks the same language as the child? If there is a therapist who can speak the child’s language and has experience treating bilingual children, it would be beneficial to choose them.

For instance, Mandarin has many sounds that are not present in English, and Chinese has four tones that can be confusing for English speakers. I had a 4-year-old client who was considered “normal” at school, but her mother struggled to understand her at home. After conducting a thorough speech evaluation in both English and Mandarin, we discovered that she had a speech sound disorder, characterized by substituting compound vowels with simple vowels in Chinese. With a 16-week treatment that involved her parents, her speech intelligibility improved significantly.

When seeking speech therapy, it is crucial to prioritize evidence-based treatment strategies. It is more important to find an experienced SLP than purely focus on bilingual SLPs, considering they are in such high demand. An experienced SLP should know what tests to provide and how to modify evaluation materials for children who speak different languages.

Many rehabilitation centers and clinics offer interpretation services through an onsite interpreter, or via phone or video. It is important to request language assistance when scheduling an appointment, as setting up interpretation services can take time.

In conclusion, the decision of whether to select a speech-language pathologist who speaks the child’s language should be made on a case-by-case basis. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for some children to wait more than a year for services. This is a significant amount of time to waste. The solution is to act right away and find a qualified SLP. It’s important to inform the therapist about the child’s bilingual background so that they can plan accordingly.

Chinese Version 中文版本:




3) Involve families in speech therapy|实践证明有效的言语治疗方法

Through years of practice, I have discovered the significance of including caregivers in treatment sessions. As a result, I have been offering one-on-one parent training courses to equip them with the most effective strategies to facilitate communication in a child’s natural surroundings, such as their home, school, extended family, parks, and playgrounds.

Many families have shared that their children seem to “improve with therapists” but “struggle at home”. Traditionally, parents drop off their kids for therapy and wait in the waiting room. SLPs usually spend the last 5 minutes of the session speaking with the parents about what the child accomplished during therapy. Unfortunately, parents are often overwhelmed with the amount of information provided or distracted by their children, making it difficult to fully comprehend what the therapist is saying. Consequently, children tend to behave in the same manner at home and parents may only notice slow progress or no progress at all.

I strongly believe in the philosophy of “teaching a man to fish” rather than just giving him one. In the case of communication between parents and children, it’s important to provide parents with the tools and skills to communicate effectively with their children. As parents are with their children all the time, communication goes beyond just an hour of therapy each day. From my experience, I’ve noticed that after parents take my 1-on-1 live course, there’s a faster progress and stronger bond between caregivers and children. Currently, there’s a waitlist for my direct service, but you can email me to join the waitlist or ask me any questions about the 1-on-1 service:

Chinese Version 中文版本:





SLPs can teach parents how to address child's speech needs during play
SLPs can teach parents how to address child’s speech needs during play

5. Free therapy resources for children|美国0-3岁儿童免费言语治疗资源

Families often worry about the cost of therapy services. However, if you live in the United States and your child is under three years of age, there is some good news. Your child may qualify for an excellent free service that can either come to your home or school.

Please refer to this article for details: Free Early Intervention Therapy Services for Children 0-3

Chinese Version 中文版本:


6. Final thoughts|结语

I sincerely hope that this article has provided you with a clear understanding of the fundamentals of speech therapy. Ascertaining the unique challenges our children face in comparison to their peers can be a daunting task. However, by taking timely action, we can potentially identify the optimal intervention window. My hope is that every child can reach their full potential and enjoy a fulfilling life. Do you have any suggestions for a parent who just started this journey? Share your thoughts below!

言语治疗师(Speech Therapist,或称 Speech Pathologist)在美国的康复医疗领域与物理治疗师(Physical Therapist)、职能(作业)治疗师 (Occupational Therapist) 一同起着关键的作用。这三类治疗师常常交叉合作,一起为病人提供最优质的康复治疗方案。希望这篇文章能够为您拨清眼前的迷雾,当孩子需要言语治疗的时候,能够及时迈出康复治疗这一步,越早开始,康复效果越好。您的孩子需要言语治疗吗?您有什么问题,欢迎在本文下方留言!

If you find my post helpful, I’d like to invite you to subscribe to my site or share it with your friends. Also, you could support me financially at JoannaGaoSLP . Your donation helps me focus on producing beneficial content for everyone. Thank you so much! 写稿不易,写双语文章更需要大量时间反复雕琢。如果您喜欢我的文章,欢迎您订阅本站或将文章分享给您的朋友,让更多人了解本站。也欢迎您在JoannaGaoSLP 成为赞助伙伴,鼓励我持续创作优秀的的免费资源,谢谢您!

参考资料|Reference: American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. “Who are speech-language pathologists, and what do they do.” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Retrieved July 31 (2022).

2 thoughts on “My Child Needs Speech Therapy?! 4 important things to know|什么?我的孩子需要言语治疗?”

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